There are trillions of microorganisms in the human body called human microbiome. It resides on and in our bodies, playing a very important role in maintaining our overall health. There are many environmental threats that impact our microbiomes. The top 3 are harmful radiation, chemicals we use on our bodies and in our homes and microplastics. These threats create an imbalance of our cells. Our bodies, along with our cells, are 1/5 physical and 4/5 energetic. The intent of this bracelet is to raise the vibration of our energy flows to support the microbiomes' overall health.
This recipe uses Yellow Fluorite and Yellow Tourmalines. I've also added AAAA+++ Yellow Sapphires to provide additional support for the stomach chakra. There are AAA Herkimer Diamonds from the Herkimer Mine in NY as well. These Herkimers will amplify the surrounding stones.
This bracelet is one of the limited edition line as the stones are difficult to source. The standard size of this bracelet is 7.5". If you would like a different size, please send me a message with your order.
Crystals have a long tradition of being used for crystal healing. Each variety of crystal has a unique internal structure, which causes it to resonate at a certain frequency. It is this resonance that is said to give crystals their healing abilities. Applying this resonance in a coherent way can help to restore stability and balance to the body's energy system, stimulating its natural healing mechanisms.
Crystal therapy is a gentle non-invasive form of alternative healing that works holistically to harmonize the mind, body, emotions and spirit, helping to increase our feeling of well-being, neutralize negativity, lift depression and to help us become integrated, whole beings.
The actual product you receive may not be the same as the illustration. Your jewelry is handcrafted upon order. While the Recipe remains the same, the actual gemstones may differ.
No claims are being made in this statement. Information provided has been gathered from writings, books and the internet. DO NOT use as a substitute for medication.
Guidelines for Cleansing Your Bracelet